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About The phoenix project The story of the Phoenix is one of rebirth and rejuvination of the old....the Phoenix was a legendary bird that lived for 500 years. After its time had expired it collected a worm and flew into the fire, where the two were consumed in fire. Out of the ashes the reborn Phoenix emerged. It collected the ashes and put them in an egg and flew it to the sun. Afterwards the phoenix continued to live another 500 years. Just like the phoenix, the Thunderbird District Chapter of the Order of the arrow, has risen from the ashes to continue again! Typically an O.A. Chapter will pick a Totem for a representation of the group. This Totem has not been established as of yet and the logo you see here is only a marker to establish our intentions. The totem of the future will be decided by the youth, as we gain members.
The purpose of the order of the arrow The Order of the arrow is mainly a service organization to the units in the district. our goal is to promote the scouting principals, fellowship and camping in the outdoors. Operating through Brotherhood and Cheerful Service, We promote more extensive leadership opportunities outside the typical unit. Some of these opportunities include training seminars, camporees, service projects and conclaves. We are the new Order of the Arrow! The new Order of the Arrow program is not just work. In years past the ordeal candidate could not wait to get into the order of the arrow, but when he got there he found only work and more work. The New Order of the Arrow Chapter has gone beyond that and is made up similar to the troop; we make decisions for service to the units and the community as well as plan outings and trips and have fun activities at meetings. Some of our activities include the Drum teams, Dance teams, and Ceremonies teams. Fellowship and fun are the two main keys to each activity we plan whether it is a service project or a fun project.
The truth about our mission
Most of the troops in our area are based and Chartered by the Community Churches. and we as members of these Troops are affliated in this way. In summerizing our mission, I would say, that the Blues Brothers said it best!
Were on a Mission from God!
Any information you would like to see posted or any questions e-mail me at Last update-Tuesday December 31, 2002
Associate Advisors and Chairmen for the O.A.: